Let's get moving!
Exercise Fact or Fiction
ProProfs - Exercise Fact or Fiction Quiz » ProProfs Personality Quizzes ...
23 Feb 2021
Commit to NEAT
Moving more throughout your day is a guaranteed way to improve your health. Researchers say that the more non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) you get throughout the day, the healthier you become. NEAT is any movement you do that is not a planned workout routine. Below are some simple ways to incorporate more NEAT movements into your day! Stand for two minutes for every ...
17 Feb 2021
The Sedentary Exerciser
The word sedentary is defined as the tendency to spend much time seated, somewhat inactive. This behavior is associated with an abundance of negative health risks, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and some cancers. While exercise helps to combat these negative health conditions, there is another piece of movement that is often overlooked but necessary to ...
10 Feb 2021
How to Build Movement Into Your Day
When you receive instruction to add movement to your day, which of the following come to mind? Perform a strength workout Walk before or after work Increase your cardio minutes Aim for 10,000 steps per day Participate in a group exercise class Though the above are all great things to implement, adding movement to your day can be even simpler. In fact, doing so can be as easy ...
03 Feb 2021
Move More for Better Health
There are 120 hours in a five-day workweek. If you spend 40 hours working each week, that’s one-third of your time — and 2,080 hours total per year. How much of this time do you spend sitting at your workstation? Could you be using more of it to improve your quality of life and work efficiency?Prolonged sitting can lead to various health conditions. Two immediate effects includ ...
28 Jan 2021
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