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Start Your Day With Movement

Mornings can be very busy and are often set by routines. These routines set the tone for the day, determining whether your day will progress on a positive or negative track.

The important thing to remember is you are in control. There are several ways you can adjust your morning routine to create a positive atmosphere.

Adding a short, 10-minute bout of movement to your morning will elevate your mood and encourage more movement throughout the rest of your day. Try some of the movements below to get your body ready for the day and create a positive atmosphere for yourself.

Full body reset stretch: Follow this video for a quick full body stretch. This can be performed first thing in the morning, right before you leave the house or at a gym. For added fun, invite your spouse, family members or housemates to join you.

10-minute walk: This can be done alone or with a companion, such as your family, friends or pets. If you go it alone, take a moment to listen to a podcast or clear your mind before your day begins.

Body weight strength: Get your blood pumping by spending a few minutes focusing on body weight strength. You don’t need any equipment, and you can keep it simple. A few exercises to get you going include squats, push-ups, lunges and planks.

Light yoga: This may be a bit longer than 10 minutes, but it will stretch your full body, get you moving and have you practice your breathing. Start your day feeling grounded and positive.

Light stretching: This can be completed next to your bed. Stand up tall, reach as high as you can, fold your body forward and try to touch your toes. Complete a few twists side to side and a few more reaches; these stretches may not seem like a lot, but they are more beneficial than getting straight out of bed and beginning your day.

Try any of the above morning movements outside for some extra sun exposure to energize you for the day. Begin your day by giving yourself something to feel proud of! Remember: No matter what your morning throws at you, you are always in control of how you choose to let it affect your day.

Alexandra Bollinger

About the author

Alexandra Bollinger

Ms. Alexandra Bollinger is a Health and Wellness Coach on the Slainte Fitness team at USLI. She enjoys staying active by strength training and going for daily walks and runs. Ms. Bollinger also enjoys working one-on-one with community members and customers to ensure they are on the right track to living a healthy lifestyle!

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