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Don't Break the Chain: The Power in Progress

How do you measure success? Do you measure the gain or the gap?

Too often, we define success by comparing where we are in any given moment against the ideal, or the end goal, we set out to achieve. With this mindset, we are measuring the gap while completely missing out on the gain. What if, instead, we measure how far we’ve come from our initial starting point?

According to the American Psychological Association, if you’re trying to achieve a goal, the more often you monitor and record your progress, the greater the likelihood is you’ll succeed. Perhaps this is because seeing your progress in real time, regardless of how small the progress is, and moving forward elicits powerful positive emotions and the motivation to continue. Without tracking our progress, we might just miss it!

Using this knowledge to our advantage, we’ve created a monthly habit tracker for you to utilize. Each month, write down the goal or habit you’d like to become more consistent with. Make sure your goal is personally meaningful, attainable, and specific to how many days a week you’re aiming to complete it. Once you’ve set your goal, do your best not to break the chain. In other words, check those boxes and celebrate the gain!

Creating a visual representation of your progress and focusing on the gain helps you stay motivated, highlights your growth and propels you forward. There is power in progress.

Megan Petriello

About the author

Megan Petriello

Ms. Megan Petriello is an Assistant Vice President, Assistant Team Leader and a Fitness and Wellness Specialist on the Slainte Fitness team at USLI. Ms. Petriello enjoys staying active by teaching HIIT classes, running and strength training. Ms. Petriello gets the most enjoyment from living an active lifestyle, and she is an avid believer in the power of positive thinking!

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