What motivates you each and everyday?
Know Where You Are
A new year brings us new opportunities. It is a chance for each of us to hit the reset button and focus on our next big achievement. Many of us hit the ground running with thoughts of where we want to be, but before we get going, we need to be aware of where we are. Much like being lost while driving a car, not knowing where you’re at makes it very hard to determine the directi ...
07 Jan 2021
Ring in a Positive New Year
“The most important thing you will ever wear is your attitude.” – Jeff Moore Each morning when we wake up, we have the opportunity to embrace a positive attitude. It is hard work to consciously control your thoughts, attitudes and actions despite outside forces or events. However, adopting a more positive mindset has great impacts on your mental and physical health. As we bring ...
23 Nov 2020
Fuel Your Life with Positivity
Cars need fuel. To keep them running as long and healthy as possible, they need the right type of fuel. Cheaper fuels tend to increase the risk of engine damage over time. Much like cars, our minds need fuel to operate, and the type of fuel we fill our minds with matters. Negative thoughts can be compared to cheap fuel. Having a negative thought now and then is natural. However ...
Time to Get S.M.A.R.T. About Your Goals
Goal setting is important for individual and team success. Whether it is health and fitness, professional or personal related, setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. However, to be successful in achieving your goals, it’s important to avoid the two most common pitfalls while setting them: Choosing goals that don’t truly matter to you Being vague ab ...
Mental Health
Mental health often has a stigma surrounding it. Some people forget or misunderstand that mental illnesses are medical conditions that can be treated and should be taken seriously.
17 Apr 2020
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