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Center Your Mind with Yoga

The human body can be thought of as three separate systems — the mind, the body and the soul. The connection between these systems reflects how your thoughts and feelings affect your physical well-being and vice versa.

Oftentimes, we are faced with daily challenges that could derail these systems. What can you do to combat these challenges, decrease your stress levels and center your mind? Try yoga!

Yoga not only offers physical benefits, such as improved flexibility and strength, but also helps you form a mind-body connection while you’re in a completely relaxed state. Here are a few other benefits you could experience by incorporating yoga into your weekly routine:

  • Improved posture
  • A quieter mind
  • Deeper sleep
  • Reduced anxiety levels
  • Improved breathing, energy and vitality
  • Increased muscle strength and tone
  • Space for self-care

Get started on your yoga journey with this 30-minute Flow — All In on Mind, Body and Spirit or this 20-minute Restorative Yoga session. If you’re interested in more sessions, check out our entire on-demand Yoga and Pilates channel.


Jenna Linstra

About the author

Jenna Linstra

Ms. Jenna Linstra is Fitness and Wellness Coach in the Slainte Fitness Center at USLI. Ms. Linstra enjoys staying active through strength training and running. She has a passion for helping others navigate their fitness journey and embrace a healthy lifestyle. She strongly believes that a healthy body starts with a healthy mind.

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