What if we told you about a magic pill that would improve everything in your life in the blink of an eye? Would you take it?
Chances are, your answer is “Yes, of course I would!”
Spoiler alert: The magic pill does not exist. But you already knew that.
Magic pills are better known as quick fixes that contain ingredients that lead to instant gratification. And while they may allow us to think we are reaping immediate benefits, many of these quick fixes are not sustainable. The real goal is to find the ingredient that leads to lifelong fulfillment and happiness — exercise.
Daily physical activity, regardless of whether it is high intensity or simple movement, will improve your health. Here is a brief list of the benefits exercise provides:
As you can see, exercise provides a lot of physical benefits. But what about mental benefits? Exercise improves mental health just as much as physical health, and one could argue that the mental health benefits outweigh the physical.
When we exercise, our bodies release chemicals called endorphins, which are brain chemicals responsible for minimizing discomfort and giving us a sense of euphoria. Exercise also causes our brains to develop thicker, stronger connections between neurons, making us sharper, faster and better processors.
These exercise-induced brain benefits have positive effects on the body. For instance, regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, ADHD and more. One study done by the Harvard School of Public Health found that as little as 15 minutes of exercise can reduce the risk of depression by 26%. Exercise is also a great supplement to anti-anxiety treatment as it helps to relieve stress, boost energy and pump the body full of those aforementioned endorphins.
Here are some other exercise-related mental health benefits:
Exercise is the magic pill that, when combined with a good mental health plan, works wonders. This is not new or groundbreaking information, but it is a message worth repeating. Please don’t take for granted the power of regular exercise. Even just 15 minutes can improve your mental state.
Keep up with your daily movement, and allow physical activity to help you live your happiest, fullest life!
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