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Exercise and Enjoyment

Exercise and Enjoyment

Take a few minutes to sit down and think about what exercise means to you. What feelings does it induce? Do you enjoy it?

There are six words we rarely piece together that hold so much power: “Today, I get to work out.” When we remove the “have to” and replace it with “get to,” we celebrate the physical ability to exercise, a gift that not everyone has. Replacing “have to” with “get to” also conveys joy, appreciation and enthusiasm for fitness.

If you are struggling with feeling enjoyment about exercising, read through the following tips:

1. Replace negative beliefs with positive ones.

Let’s go back to the beginning. What do you think of when you read the word exercise? If your thoughts are immediately negative, dive into them to determine where the negative feelings derive from. If you were ever forced to exercise, you might have poor feelings toward it. Acknowledging those feelings is your first step to finding enjoyment because you can’t change where you are going without addressing where you have been.

Exercise should not be punishment for what you eat or focused on aesthetics. Change your focus to thoughts that empower you to cultivate positive feelings. Feeling strong. Feeling good. Feeling energized. All are words of empowerment.

2. Adjust your focus.

The most common reason people give for working out is losing weight. But keeping weight loss as your focal point can make exercise feel like an obligation. If you truly want to foster enjoyment toward exercise, you should focus on things that will empower you and make you feel good. Seeing progress is important and can be very motivating, but instead of focusing on weight change, focus on a task you want to complete or a specific goal you have for yourself.

3. Find the right type of workout.

Workouts are not one-size-fits-all, nor should they be. If you don’t enjoy running, don’t run. If you love to dance, take a dance class. If you enjoy spending time with your kids, take them on a hike or walk. If you love playing sports, sign up for a basketball league. Find something you enjoy, and stick with it to create consistency. And don’t assume you won’t enjoy something based on previous experience; always give it another try. You never know when your mind or body will be open to something new.

4. Remember: It’s all connected!

All aspects of your health are connected. A lack of sleep, a poor diet and intense stress can leave you feeling low in energy and unmotivated. If you want to set your workouts up for success, you must pay attention to all aspects of your health. Doing so will give you more energy to exercise and ultimately make you enjoy your workout more!

Keep in mind that exercise is extremely beneficial to your mental and physical health. If you teach yourself to enjoy it, you will be more likely to stick with it!

Lauren Scotti

About the author

Lauren Scotti

Ms. Lauren Scotti is Vice President, Director of Slainte Fitness, and Personal Development Team Leader at USLI, leading the Slainte team and organizing the company’s recreational sports teams and wellness initiatives. Ms. Scotti enjoys staying active by running, teaching HIIT classes and strength training. Ms. Scotti also enjoys coaching others about creating positive changes and incorporating healthier habits into their lives.

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