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Wellness Blog
5 Helpful Techniques to Sleep Soundly Tonight
Read the following statements. Do they apply to you presently? I fall asleep within 15–20 minutes of lying down I regularly sleep a total of 7–9 hours in a 24-hour period My sleep is continuous; I don’t have long periods of lying awake when I should be sleeping I wake up feeling rejuvenated I am awake and alert during the day, feeling fully productive There are no disturba ...
03 Mar 2021
Morning Movement for the Win
The alarm clock sounds, and you slowly make your way out of bed. You sleepily stumble to the kitchen to pour yourself a hot mug of coffee or tea and then find yourself on the couch, turning on the TV or scrolling through your phone to catch up on the morning news. Does this scenario sound all too familiar? We are creatures of habit. Once we adopt these habits, we often go thro ...
Balanced Plate
Are you looking for efficient ways to achieve and maintain healthy eating habits? Renewed You Plate makes it simple for you! It’s not necessary to have a perfectly balanced plate at every meal; you can have more protein one meal and less another. Your overall goals should be to have at least one balanced, healthy meal per day and to consume the daily recommendation for each foo ...
23 Feb 2021
Exercise Fact or Fiction
ProProfs - Exercise Fact or Fiction Quiz » ProProfs Personality Quizzes ...
Believe In Yourself
When was the last time you said something nice about yourself? For many of us, self-confidence boosters are few and far between. And yet, we have no problem criticizing ourselves. Why is that? There are two powerful words we use daily, whether internally or out loud. Those words are “I am.” Take a minute to reflect on the “I am” statements you use. Are they positive, such as I ...
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