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Wellness Blog
How Well Do You Rest and Recover?
Rest is a bodily state characterized by minimal labor and exertion. Recovery is the process of returning to your normal state after a period of exhaustion. The goals of rest and recovery are to reduce anxiousness, help our bodies recuperate after an exercise bout and restore us to a calm state. Together, these techniques help our bodies heal, strengthen and unwind from the stre ...
04 Feb 2021
How to Build Movement Into Your Day
When you receive instruction to add movement to your day, which of the following come to mind? Perform a strength workout Walk before or after work Increase your cardio minutes Aim for 10,000 steps per day Participate in a group exercise class Though the above are all great things to implement, adding movement to your day can be even simpler. In fact, doing so can be as easy ...
03 Feb 2021
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